Twa Dogs Brewery – Ponkan Pale Ale

- Brewery: Twa Dogs, Victoria Caledonian
- Beer Style: Fruit Beer, Pale Ale
- ABV: 5%
- IBU: 30
- Format Reviewed: Can 473 ml
- Brewery Web Page: More info
Twa Dogs Brewery – Ponkan Pale Ale Review
It turns out that not every fruit beer has to be a sour or a hazy. A case in point is Ponkan Pale Ale by Twa Dogs, the beer brand of Macaloney’s Caledonian Brewery and Distillery, which is infused with tangerine. The brewery has plans for other summer-appropriate releases which might be something you wanna watch out for after trying Ponkan.
Ponkan, which is a variety of mandarin hybrid tangerine, is light golden with a medium white head that lingers really well. It has good clarity and very active carbonation. The aroma is big orange pith and stewed tangerines with notes of citrus-forward hops and honey. The mouthfeel is crisp and not at all “juicy” like a hazy. There is a honey-like maltiness with a low bitterness. There are flavour notes of citrus, fruity hops, and a noticeable tangerine acidity. This beer finishes long with the citric acid playing a major role, complemented by the hops and lingering bitterness.
Looking to get your hands on this beer or others from Twa Dogs? Online shopping from their site is now available.
- Appearance
- Aroma
- Palate
- Flavour
- Overall Enjoyment
About This Beverage
- Colour: Yellow
- Head Size & Retention: Normal head + retention
- Carbonation: Bubbly/Lively
- Clarity: Slight Haze
- Balance: Balanced Malt/Hop
- Drinkability: Definitely Drinkable
- Enjoyment: I would recommend this beer to a friend
- Malt Characteristics: Light, Juicy Malt
- Hop Characteristics: Citrusy, Floral
- Other Flavours/Aroma: Fruit Flavouring: Berries etc
- Palate: Crisp/Dry/Clean
Ponkan is a great summer appropriate pale ale infused with tangerines and with tons of citrus aroma, flavour and noticeable acidity.
A good pale ale with the added component of tangerine.
Not a sour or hazy as so many other fruit beers are.
The acidic bite of the tangerine might not be for everyone.