Firehall Brewery- Stop, Hop & Roll Oatmeal IPA
- Brewery: Firehall Brewery
- Beer Style: English style IPA, IPA, Red IPA
- ABV: 6.2%
- IBU: 50
- Format Reviewed: Bottle 750 ml
- Brewery Web Page: More info
Firehall Brewery- Stop, Hop & Roll Oatmeal IPA Review
While Hazy IPA’s are still the popular IPA of choice these days, the maltier, non-hazy original classic West Coast IPA seems to be making a comeback.
If you are looking for an English meets West Coast-style IPA, to try, look no further than Firehall Brewery’s recent release; Stop, Hop and Roll Oatmeal IPA. While it is not always available, due to the Firehall’s small-batch capacity when it is, it is worth grabbing. The name is a pun on an actual fire safety technique, Fire, Stop and Roll where you “stop” where you are, “drop” to the ground, and “roll” over until the flames are gone.
This beer has been brewed a few times since 2017 and every time head brewer Sid brews it, he tweaks the hop profile to get just that right balance of malt and hops.
The beer pours a rich copper to red colour with a huge mousse-like creamy foam head that dissipates slowly. While hops normally are the first thing you smell in an IPA, the sweet caramelly/ toffeeness (?) of the malts used is what hits the nose first, and then a burst of pine, and tropical citrus. It’s a medium-bodied ale, with light carbonation and creaminess/silk-like feel due to the addition of oatmeal. But, the gentle bitterness at the end, reminds us that this is truly an IPA.
While I prefer my IPA’s to be more hop-forward, this well-crafted and balanced beer is certainly refreshing and will definitely “extinguish your thirst”!
- Appearance
- Aroma
- Palate
- Flavour
- Overall Enjoyment
About This Beverage
- Colour: Copper
- Head Size & Retention: Normal head + retention
- Carbonation: Mild Carbonation
- Clarity: Slight Haze
- Balance: More Malty
- Drinkability: Definitely Drinkable
- Enjoyment: I would recommend this beer to a friend
- Malt Characteristics: Caramel, Rich/Sweet
- Hop Characteristics: Citrusy, Tropical, Piney or Woody
- Palate: Creamy, Soft or Silky, Backend bitterness
Stop, Hop & Roll is a simple safety technique taught to wage-slaves as a component of mental health protection training. It involves three steps that a victim of work should follow to minimize stress in the event of inflamed anxiety: STOP – the victim must stop working, and treat themselves to a pint of this seasonal India Pale Ale. HOP – the victim noses the wafting citrus aromas from the locally-grown hops. ROLL – the victim must roll a mouthful around the palate, savouring the silky mouthfeel contributed by rolled oats in the recipe. If this procedure is conducted properly, the victim of work will experience a sense of security and tension-relief. Extinguish Your Thirst!