Tacofino X Strathcona Mexican Lager Drop!
In the tradition of the very roots of the beloved, Baja-by-way-of-BC brand known as Tacofino, The beer is a Mexican-style lager that has a base of Malted Maris Otter, flaked corn and is lightly hopped with Wakatu. It has a mellow citrus flavour and at 6.3% ABV is crisp and crushable.
The beer will make its bow on Friday, November 8 at Strathcona Brewing Co. (895 Hastings Street) with a collaboration food menu and four-packs of the new beer available to go and on Saturday, November 9 at Tacofino’s Taco Bar location (15 W Cordova Street) in Gastown. Both events kick off at 5 p.m. The beer will officially be available while supplies last at all Vancouver Tacofino locations (Taco Bar, Gastown; Hastings Commissary, 2327 E Hastings Street; Yaletown Burrito Bar, 1025 Mainland Street; Oasis, 122-1050 W Pender Street; Ocho, 8 E 5th Avenue; Kits, 1909 W 4th Avenue) starting on Friday, November 8.
All are welcome and encouraged to drop by both launch events at Strathcona and Taco Bar to cheers the new beer!