Steamworks Raises $10,000 With Heroica Red Ale for Burnaby Fire Fighters
Steamworks Brewing Company Raises Over $10,000
for BC Firefighters Burn Fund
Vancouver, B.C. (November 20th, 2014)
As tribute to BC Firefighters and to raise both awareness & funds, local craft brewery Steamworks Brewing Company brewed a robust and flavourful Heroica Red Ale for its 2014 fall release. In keeping with Steamworks’ whimsical brand designs, this particular label featured Burnaby Heights Landmark Helen Arnold the swinging girl as a damsel in distress being rescued by a Steampunked firefighter. Throughout October, all Steamworks Heroica Red Ale 650mL bombers, Fall Mash-Up 12-pack mixers, and pints sold at liquor stores and restaurants throughout BC were partially donated to Burnaby Firefighters charities.
“Giving back to our community is important to Steamworks and we were honoured to partner with the Burnaby Firefighters to help raise money for their Charitable Society, and in particular the BC Burn Fund,” says Walter Cosman, President Steamworks Brewing Company. Steamworks’ Owner Eli Gershkovitch adds “I often joke that my job at Steamworks is signing cheques; last night my job was a pleasure signing this “BIG” cheque issued to the Burnaby Firefighters for the BC Burn Fund.”
The $10,156.50 cheque was presented to the Burnaby Firefighters last evening at the Steamworks Brewery & Taproom during a Heroica Night at the Brewery, which was attended by community partners, neighbours and supporters of the benefit brew. In true beerhall fashion, Bratwurst and Chili cooked by Burnaby Local 323 was enjoyed by a packed room, while music played and full brewery tours were led.
“On behalf of the Burnaby Firefighters Local 323 and the British Columbia Professional Firefighters we would like to extend our sincere appreciation to Steamworks Brewing Company for their outreach to firefighters by producing a beer in support of our Charitable Society. Heroica Red Ale is a tribute to Firefighters and it is just another example of Steamwork’s understanding and commitment to serving their community as all proceeds of this partnership will go to the Burn Fund.” Jeff Clark, Vice President Burnaby Firefighters
Pictured Above:
Jeff Clark & Paul Rushton – Burnaby Firefighters, Erik Vogal – B.C.P.F.F.A. Burnfund
Marnie Burnett, Eli Gershkovitch & Walter Cosman – Steamworks Brewing Company