In Beer In The News, Beer Me BC excerpts news from sources around the world of craft beer. Note that the opinions expressed within are those of the original source and not Beer Me BC.

New, Wildcard Brett IPA from Phillips Brewing
Phillips Brewery Releases Wildcard Brett IPA
Wildcard Brett IPA – 7.0% – 650mL
July 4th, 2017 – With the peak of summer season almost upon us, we decided to play a little something special we have been hiding up our sleeve: Wildcard Brett IPA is a one off seasonal exclusive brew that has been dealt with a heavy hand of citrus hops, and fermented with six strains of brettanomyces yeast.
The beer pours a beautiful golden colour with a finger of pillow white head. Grassy sweetness and fresh hops are underpinned with flavours of banana funk and clove. Wonderfully complex, Wildcard is both rich and refreshing.
Double down on this brew while you can at your preferred private craft-focused liquor store. It will only be available for a limited time.
Categories: Announcements + Press Releases