Design an Earth Day Beer Label
Earn a cash prize & benefit the Stanley Park Ecology Society
For years now Stanley Park Brewing has been participating in the annual Earth Day festivities held in the Park and hosted by the Stanley Park Ecology Society (SPES). Unfortunately, this year the on-site community engagement had to be forgone, however the desire to not only pay tribute to Earth Day but also to support their friends at SPES remained. From this desire comes the Earth Day Label Design Contest.
Whether you’re a pro or budding artist, Stanley Park Brewing wants to bring together art and the community around us to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day on April 22nd with a limited edition label for our best-selling brewpub beer, Hollow Tree Lager.
For each Earth Day limited edition label Hollow Tree Lager sold, $1 will be donated to the Stanley Park Ecology Society (SPES).
SPES is an independent non-profit charity dedicated to supporting the preservation of Stanley Park, by organizing conservation efforts, habitat restoration, wildlife monitoring and education programs.
The theme of your design should pay tribute to Earth Day and Stanley Park, and the experiences had within it. Stanley Park is Vancouver’s largest urban park, full of wonder and breathtaking experiences from brisk walks along the seawall to iconic sunsets at the beach.
All designs must use the template provided here.
The grand prize winner will receive a $500 cash prize & a prize pack and two runners-up will be awarded a $200 cash prize & prize pack each.
Entry to the contest is open until 11:59PM PST Thursday, April 16, 2020 to Canadian residents aged 19 and over.
Six submissions chosen by Stanley Park Brewing will be put to a public vote on Instagram Stories to determine three finalists on 12pm PST Saturday, April 18, 2020 to 12pm PST Sunday, April 19, 2020. Stanley Park Brewing will select and announce the grand prize winner (1), and runners up (2) on the Stanley Park Brewing website on Monday, April 20, 2020. Winners will be contacted within 48 hours of the contest closing.
All artwork must be your own and original. Art may include a tagline; however, it should be separate from the artwork. Winning entries must meet the outlined theme, submission criteria and agree to the terms & conditions.
For more details and to submit your design, please visit: https://www.stanleyparkbrewing.com/posts/2020/04/earth-day-label-design-contest/