2018 BC Craft Beer Survey – Win Great Prizes and Help Make BC Craft Beer Even Better
Make Your Voice Heard in the 6th Annual BC Craft Beer Survey
*** The results are in! ***
Using a mobile device or having troubles? Complete the survey here.
Your opinion matters. Let us know your thoughts on the state of craft beer in BC. You are what shapes the beers, breweries and events that we have all come to love. For completing the 2018 BC Craft Beer Survey you will automatically be entered to win one of the fantastic prizes that are listed below. Please take a few minutes to complete this 6th annual survey and tell your friends to do so as well. Following the survey’s completion, we’ll even share the results with you! After all, as Red Green put it “We’re all in this together”.
2018 BC Craft Beer Survey Prize Packs
1st Prize – Value $300
Vancouver Brewery Tours Prize Pack
R&B Brewing Gift Card
SWAG Pack from Beer League & Field House Brewing
2nd Prize – Value $180
Howe Sound Brewery Gift Card
SWAG pack from Trading Post Brewing, Three Ranges, Dead Frog & Red Racer
3rd Prize – Value $90
Tasting for Four at Andina Brewing
SWAG Pack from Strange Fellows Brewing & Beer Me BC
Thank you to all of the sponsors for the 2018 Beer Me BC BC Craft Beer Survey. We could not do it without you!
This survey will be open for completion until November 30th, 2018 at 11:59pm. Prizes may be subject to change.
Last Year’s Results
2017 BC Craft Beer Survey Results – Consumer Demographics, Preferences & Opinions
2017 BC Craft Beer Consumer Trends – A 5 Year Comparison of Survey Data
I live on Bowen Island and have enjoyed buying beer, wine, cider and spirits at the corner grocery store since I moved there in 1981.Going to a liquor store seems so foreign. I run a bus service from Bowen Island to Vancouver and tour the numerous breweries while doing charters.
craft beer is the best