Hearthstone Stillwater Artisinal Collaboration That New Trapp

Hearthstone Stillwater Artisinal That New Trapp Brett IPA


4 out of 5
4 out of 5
3.5 out of 5
3.75 out of 5


3.8 out of 5


  • Beer Style: Brett, IPA
  • Pros:

    Funky and complex, this is a unique and cool take on the North East IPA

  • Cons:

    Early bitter hit plus slight minerality conspire somewhat, confusing the palate

  • Conclusion:

    A complex IPA that shows some early bitterness and plenty of complex funkiness

Hearthstone Stillwater Artisinal That New Trapp Brett IPA CanHearthstone Stillwater Artisinal Collaboration That New Trapp Hazy North East Style Trappist Ale Review

Stillwater Artisinal beer and Hearthstone Brewery teamed up for this funky collaboration beer, tackling the North East IPA trend with Brett.  The beer pours from the 355mL can a cloudy yellow colour with two and a half fingers of white head that leaves plenty of lacing behind in the glass.  The aroma is floral with notes of tropical fruit and pine, plus berry, grape, banana, melon and yeast.  The flavour is surprisingly bready with an initial bitter hit that is tempered with herbal hops and joined later by notes of mango, pineapple, strong minearality and a mild funk.  That New Trapp is surprisingly light in body with a complex flavour profile joined by an early and lasting bitterness.

Alcohol – 6.5%
Hops – Mosaic, Amarillo, Citra
Yeast – Brett B, Conan
Size – 355mL


Hearthstone Stillwater Artisinal That New Trapp Brett IPAHearthstone Stillwater Artisinal That New Trapp Brett IPA Close-up

About Author

Jeremy Nemanishen

Jeremy is the founder of craftbeervancouver.ca and a contributor to Beer Me BC. He has a passion for promoting all things relating to craft beer. To learn more about the beermebc.com editorial team visit beermebc.com/the-beer-me-bc-team/.

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