Ravens Brewing Co. – ISA

- Brewery: Ravens Brewing Company
- Beer Style: India Session Ale
- Pros:
Quaffable and flavourful ISA
- Cons:
Aroma is subdued compared to the flavour
- Conclusion:
A refreshing and flavourful IPA that will keep you asking for another
Ravens Brewing Company – ISA Review
Ravens Brewing Company released their ISA earlier this summer and are having difficulty keeping it in stock, it’s proving so popular. The beer pours from the bomber bottle a slightly hazy straw-yellow colour with three fingers of fluffy white head that leaves plenty of lacing behind in the glass. The aroma from this ISA is of citrus, and melon, plus notes of wheat, cereal grains and stone fruits. In the mouth the ISA comes alilve showing flavours of pear, stone fruit, cereal, green grapes and sweet lemon near the end. This light bodied beer is quaffable with a light hint of lingering bitterness on the finish.
Alcohol – 4.5%
IBU – 40
Malts – Pale, Wheat, Crystal
Hops – El Dorado, Galaxy
Size – 650mL