Spinnaker’s Brewing co. – Hummingbird Hop Saison

Spinnaker's Brewery Hummingbird Hop Saison Review


3.7 out of 5
4.1 out of 5
4 out of 5
3.6 out of 5


3.9 out of 5


  • Brewery: Spinnaker's Brewing Co.
  • Beer Style: Saison
  • Pros:

    Light and refreshing with a strong citrus flavour

  • Cons:

    Quite light bodied and the hops mask some of the traditional saison notes

  • Conclusion:

    a citrus-hop flavoured saison that is nice and easy drinking

Spinnaker's Brewery Hummingbird Hop Saison Review Spinnaker’s Brewing co. – Hummingbird Hop Saison Review

The Hummingbird Hop Saison is a beer brewed with Pilsner malt, oats and is dry hopped with a new-world hop for a modern twist on the classic Saison style. From the bomber bottle this beer pours a hazy, golden-straw colour with three fingers of loose, and quick to settle head. The aroma is light with notes of wheat, light coriander and a citrus-hop character. Tasting the beer it is light in body with a wheat-like dryness to the mouthfeel. The citrus hop character hits the palate up front and blends with the Saison yeast flavours. While the beer is not bitter, the hops take control of the flavour giving a lemon-orange infusion to the summer flavour.


Alcohol – 5.5%
IBU – 39
Size –650ml bottle

Spinnaker's Brewery Hummingbird Hop Saison Review Spinnaker's Brewery Hummingbird Hop Saison Review

Categories: Beer Reviews

About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of beermebc.com in 2012. To learn more about the beermebc.com editorial team visit beermebc.com/the-beer-me-bc-team/.

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