Riot Brewing Co. – Working Class Hero Dark Mild

- Brewery: Riot Brewing Co.
- Beer Style: Mild Ale
- Pros:
Light and easy drinking with some rich flavours
- Cons:
Very light bodied
- Conclusion:
A light bodied, big flavoured Mild Ale
Riot Brewing Co. – Working Class Hero Dark Mild Review
Riot brewing has released a mild that is on the mild side of the style with a low 3.8% alcohol. The Working Class Hero pours a colour of amber-brown and has a thin finger of head that settles without a trace. The aroma is malty with roasted character, mild chocolate notes and a mellow burnt character. Tasting the beer it is very light bodied and has a malt-forward flavour. The roasted character gives a slight burnt taste along with a mellow caramel sweetness. This comes along side a bit of coffee, chocolate and nut flavour. This beer is very light but at the same time has some depth to the flavour.
Alcohol – 3.8%
IBU – 14
Size – 650ml