Brewers Row Sasamat Fire Fighers Belgian Pale Ale with Peaches

Brewers Row Sasamat Fire Dept. Belgian Pale Ale Review


3.5 out of 5
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4.3 out of 5
3.8 out of 5


3.9 out of 5


Brewers Row Sasamat Fire Dept. Belgian Pale Ale Review Brewers Row Sasamat Fire Fighters Belgian Pale Ale with Peaches Review

The Brewers Row Quartet has teamed up with Hops Connect, Country Malt and Summit Print to brew a Pale Ale that supports the Port Moody fire fighters. Brewed with Peaches in a Belgian style this beer pours a very cloudy amber-brown colour with a single finger of head which settles leaving lacing behind on the glass. With a small amount of sediment suspended in the glass this beer has an aroma of Belgian yeast and a slight wild yeast funk. Along side is a fruity and tropical tone with a mild pine bitterness. The flavour has a bit less of the Belgian yeast character but comes across mid bodied with a balance of Belgian character, malt tones and mild tropical hop flavour. The Peaches add to the mix and come through with a light fruit and residual sweetness on the finish. The peaches are somewhat subdued or hidden but add a bit to the undertones of this collaboration beer. This is a unique and flavourful beer that bridges styles and ingredients while supporting a great cause.

Alcohol – 6.5%
Size – 650mL

Brewers Row Sasamat Fire Dept. Belgian Pale Ale Review Brewers Row Sasamat Fire Dept. Belgian Pale Ale Review

About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of in 2012. To learn more about the editorial team visit

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