Longwood Brewery – Beetnik Root Stout

Longwood Brewery - Beetnik Root Stout Review


3.9 out of 5
4 out of 5
4.3 out of 5
3.8 out of 5


4 out of 5


  • Brewery: Longwood Brewery
  • Beer Style: Stout
  • Pros:

    A nice blend of acidity and traditional stout flavours

  • Cons:

    Beets are no where to be tasted

  • Conclusion:

    A stout with a light sour character up front followed by cocoa-stout flavours

Longwood Brewery - Beetnik Root Stout ReviewLongwood Brewery – Beetnik Root Stout Review

Sometimes brewers have ideas that seem rather peculiar but still somehow end up working out. This appears to be one such beer. Brewed using real beets, the Beetnik is an offshoot of the popular Stoutnik brand that Longwood also brews. These aren’t just any beets either, along with the barley and hops the ingredients were sourced locally from in and around Nanaimo BC. The beer is nearly black in colour with no beet-red colour to be seen. Two fingers of head top the glass and settle without any lacing while giving off a rich aroma of coffee and cocoa along with a light acidity and roasted character. Tasting the beer it is light bodied and has a tartness up front. Mild sour character spikes early on and mellows into the roasted malt and cocoa flavour. The beet content is no where to be found in the flavour but it surely added some sugar to the mix for fermentation. The Beetnik is unique with its acidity and cocoa flavours and uses unique, local ingredients to boot.

Alcohol – 4.3%
Size – 650ml


Longwood Brewery - Beetnik Root Stout Review Longwood Brewery - Beetnik Root Stout Review

About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of beermebc.com in 2012. To learn more about the beermebc.com editorial team visit beermebc.com/the-beer-me-bc-team/.


  1. Lee Cation
    Lee Cation 18 April, 2017, 15:43

    with a lactic mash this is a far out subculture!

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