Field House Brassneck Collaboration Wild Brett Wasp Sour

- Brewery: Brassneck Brewing Co., Field House Brewing
- Beer Style: Sour Ale
- Pros:
Unique approach to beermaking with an interesting array of flavours and aromas
- Cons:
Lighter on aroma than expected, especially relating to the Brett character
- Conclusion:
A rare but unique take on a sour beer and well worth picking up if a bottle can be found
Field House Brassneck Collaboration Wild Brett Wasp Sour Review
The second beer in Field House Brewing Company’s Coolship Collab series is the Wild Brett Wasp Sour. Using yeast extracted from a wasp, the beer was allowed to cool in Field House’s copper coolship overnight to gather some microflora from the air before being finished with Brettanomyces. The beer pours from the 750mL bottle a clear, light copper with two fingers of off-white head that leaves no lacing behind. The aroma is of honey and caramel, along with floral and lemon notes. Brett character is present in the aroma but not overpowering. In the mouth the flavour is tart with earthy honey notes. A strong pithy bitterness presents itself midway through and dissipates to a lingering and light bitterness. This fairly light bodied and mild sour ale is unique and interesting, while being immensely drinkable.
Alcohol – 6.5%
IBU – 18
Size – 750mL
This is one of the weirder ingredient beers I have had but it was sure tasty.
Definitely an odd one but the result was surprisingly good.