Howe Sound Brewing Co. – Sea to Sky Belgian-Style Dubbel

- Brewery: Howe Sound Brewing Co.
- Beer Style: Belgian Dubbel
- Pros:
Rich malt and dark fruit characteristics are prominent and balanced
- Cons:
Yeast esters are subtle and subdued, and deserve more prominence
- Conclusion:
A nice take on the Belgian Dubbel with plenty of rich flavours
Howe Sound Brewing Co. – Sea to Sky Belgian-Style Dubbel Review
The ninth beer in Howe Sound Brewing Company’s Sea to Sky Series is their Belgian Dubbel. The beer pours from the bomber bottle a clear mahogany brown with half a finger of light brown head that leaves some trace lacing behind in the glass. Aromas of rich malts and dark fruits come off the glass, accompanied by notes of figs, plums, and sweet toffee. In the mouth the flavour is of plum, figs, and some mild toffee and roasted tones. These rich flavours are accompanied by subtle yeast esters and a light but bitter finish.
Alcohol – 7.0%
IBU – 20
Hops – Nugget
Malts – Belgian Pilsner, Special B, Cara 45, Cara 20, Munich, Wheat, Chocolate
Size – 650mL