Strathcona Beer Company – Gold Belgian Ale

Stratchona Beer Company Gold Belgian Ale


3.75 out of 5
3.75 out of 5
3.25 out of 5
3.5 out of 5


3.6 out of 5


  • Brewery: Strathcona Beer Company
  • Beer Style: Belgian, Golden Ale
  • Pros:

    A relatively quaffable Belgian Golden Ale with nice fruity esters and a good malt profile

  • Cons:

    Alcohol warmth can overpower the flavour palate and drown out some flavours

  • Conclusion:

    A warming strong golden ale with plenty of malt and estery aroma and flavour

Stratchona Beer Company Gold Belgian Ale BottleStrathcona Beer Company – Gold Belgian Ale Review

The first beer that Strathcona Beer Company released in bottles was their Gold Belgian Ale and it made a mark for being offered in 40oz bottles.  While the Gold Belgian Ale continues to be sold in bottles of that size, the brewery began offering the beer in bombers as well.  This review is for the beer packaged in bomber-sized bottles.  The Gold Belgian Ale pours a clear golden-amber colour with two fingers of off-white head that leaves some lacing behind.  The aroma is fruity with some grainy malt notes mingling with herbal tones, although the aroma is dominated by yeast esters from the beer.  The flavour is a combination of grainy and bready malts with some fruity esters.  These mix together with herbal notes and some mild yeast flavours for a pleasantly clean and fruity flavour.  This is a relatively strong beer at 6.6% ABV and the alcohol is definitely present, showing up as a warming sensation initially and building slightly.  In addition to the alcohol warmth, the Belgian Golden strong has a light to medium body with a lingering sweetness.

Alcohol – 6.6% ABV
IBU – 32
Hops – Tettnanger, Hersbrucker
Size – 650mL

Stratchona Beer Company Gold Belgian AleStratchona Beer Company Gold Belgian Ale Close-up

About Author

Jeremy Nemanishen

Jeremy is the founder of and a contributor to Beer Me BC. He has a passion for promoting all things relating to craft beer. To learn more about the editorial team visit

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