Strange Fellows Brewing – Krampus Abbey Dubbel

- Brewery: Strange Fellows Brewing Co.
- Beer Style: Belgian Dubbel
- Pros:
Rich malts and delicate yeast flavour mingle in this excellent Dubbel
- Cons:
Really hard to find fault
- Conclusion:
Excellent, rich, and balanced Dubbel with delicious malt and yeast characteristics.
Strange Fellows Brewing – Krampus Abbey Dubbel Review
Strange Fellows Brewing is known for celebrating Krampus, the figure from Central European folklore that punishes misbehaving children around the Christmas season. In the Krampus Abbey Dubbel, Strange Fellows have dubbeled down on that celebration and brought out a fantastic iteration of the style. Krampus pours from the 750mL bottle a slightly hazy copper-brown colour with two fingers of tan head that dissipates slowly leaving no lacing. The aroma is of caramel and cherries, with some notes of banana, dried apricot and spice intermingling. In the mouth, the flavour is prominently of rich malts and dark fruit. Some cooked apple, banana and herbal tones manifest later. Krampus has a clean and light mouthfeel and finishes with a dryness and slight peppery note, with the 8.5% alcohol well disguised. Ending the year strong, Strange Fellows have knocked it out of the park with this one. Be sure to get a bottle if you can.
Alcohol – 8.5%
Size – 750mL