Ravens Brewing Co. – Sumas Mountain Lager

- Brewery: Ravens Brewing Company
- Beer Style: Lager
- Pros:
Light flavoured lager that has good body and finishes clean
- Cons:
Malt aromas are rather subdued and could use more prominence
- Conclusion:
Easy drinking and well crafted lager, easy to see how this has become popular at the brewery
Ravens Brewing Co. – Sumas Mountain Lager Review
Ravens Brewing Company has brought out their new Sumas Mountain Lager, and it has quickly become one of their most popular beers at the brewery. The lager pours from the bomber bottle a clear golden colour with two fingers of white head that leaves no lacing behind on the glass. The beer gives off aromas of cereal grains and bready malts, accompanied by herbal and grassy hop tones. In the mouth the lager offers prominent cereal grains, wheat and flavours of fresh bread and finishes with more grassy hop flavours to round it out. This lager provides light bodied mouthfeel and finishes cleanly but not crisp.
Alcohol – 4.75%
IBU – 16
Malts – Canadian Pale
Hops – Sterling
Size – 650mL