Trading Post Brewery – 1827 Helles Lager

- Brewery: Trading Post Brewery
- Beer Style: Lager
- Pros:
Light and easy drinking lager with a bit of a bitter bite at the end
- Cons:
A bit more bitter than expected
- Conclusion:
A light, sessionable lager that is brewed traditionally and ends with a bitter note.
Trading Post Brewery – 1827 Helles Lager Review
Trading Post Brewery has canned their first beer just as BC’s late summer of 2016 appears to have arrived. Named after the founding year of the town of Fort Langley this beer pours a colour of golden straw and has two fingers of head which settle quickly without a trace of lacing on the glass. The aroma is light and malty with grassy tones and light lemon hints on the nose. Little in the way of hop character comes through in the aroma with a moderate 21 IBUS. Tasting the beer it has a fairly high carbonation level which gives a refreshing and sharp tone on the tongue. As this settles in the traditional German character comes out in the malts profile. At the same time a bitterness grows in the background leading into the finish, For 21 IBUs the final notes are actually more bitter than you may expect. Overall this beer is light in body and flavour, traditionally brewed and with a bit of hop bitterness that sneaks in at the end.
Alcohol – 5.0%
IBU – 21
Size – 6 x 355ml