Red Collar Brewing Co. – Blonde Belgian-Style Ale
- Brewery: Red Collar Brewing Co.
- Beer Style: Belgian, Blonde Ale
A balanced, smooth and easy going lagered Blonde Ale
The Belgian yeast tones are very subtle
A smooth and balanced Blonde Ale
Red Collar Brewing Co. – Blonde Belgian-Style Ale Review
While Belgium may not be best known for their blondes the Red Collar Brewing Company has let down their hair for summer with this seasonal brew. From the bomber bottle this 5.0% alcohol beer pours a colour of gold and is topped with a finger and a half of lightly lacing head. The beer has an aroma of sweet malt, biscuit and a light Belgian yeast note. This lagered beer was brewed slow and with that comes a smooth character. Honey sweetness leads into the malty beer and a subtle Belgian yeast tone. This beer is not overly “Belgian” but then again, many blondes are of the bottle type.
Alcohol – 5.0%
Size – 650ml bottle