Cannery Brewing – Drupaceous Apricot Wheat Ale

Cannery Brewing Drupaceous Apricot Wheat Ale Review


3.8 out of 5
4.2 out of 5
4 out of 5
3.8 out of 5


4 out of 5


  • Brewery: Cannery Brewing Co.
  • Beer Style: Fruit Beer, Wheat Ale
  • Pros:

    A light and easy drinking Wheat Ale

  • Cons:

    Not a lot of apricot flavour

  • Conclusion:

    A light wheat ale with a subtle apricot and hop bitterness

Cannery Brewing Drupaceous Apricot Wheat Ale Review Cannery Brewing – Drupaceous Apricot Wheat Ale Review

Cannery knows fruit beer well and in that frame of mind they have brewed an Apricot Wheat Ale called the Drupaceous. This light and sessionable summer brew is 5.0% alcohol and 25 IBUs. From the brightly labelled bomber bottle this beer pours a colour of golden straw and is topped with two fingers of slowly settling head. The aroma is of a light wheat beer infused with a slight citrus and apricot tone. Compared to many other similarly styled beers the fruit notes are very subtle on the nose. The flavour too is wheat first and fruit second. A smooth and light wheat flavour gives a light feel on the tongue while a mild sweetness from the apricot builds behind. Before the sweetness really takes hold a hop bitter tone balances out the flavours. This beer is not overly sweet or bitter but the subtlety of each flavour plays off one another. This beer is easy drinking and light on the fruit flavour as a delicious summer brew.

Alcohol – 5.0%
IBU – 25
Size – 650ml



Cannery Brewing Drupaceous Apricot Wheat Ale Review Cannery Brewing Drupaceous Apricot Wheat Ale Review

About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of in 2012. To learn more about the editorial team visit

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