Twin Sails Brewing – Kottbusser Brown Ale
- Brewery: Twin Sails Brewing Co.
- Beer Style: Brown Ale, Kottbusser
A smooth and well balanced brown ale with a very nice flavour profile
Quite rich for a Brown Ale
A well crafted Brown Ale with a smooth and balanced sweetness
Twin Sails Brewing – Kottbusser Brown Ale Review
Twin Sails hails from Port Moody BC and their bottled lineup includes the Kottbusser. A Kottbusser is an old-world Brown Ale that uses molasses and honey in the brew. From a bomber bottle this beer pours a colour of dark brown and is topped with one finger of head that leaves a very slight amount of lacing behind on the glass. In the aroma of this beer comes a smooth malt character and a nice blend of coffee and chocolate tones. There is a slight sweetness in the aroma but it isn’t honey-forward, rather a nice addition to the chocolate tones. Tasting the beer it has a nice body to it and mild carbonation. The chocolate tones are quite big with a smooth sweetness to it. The coffee notes give a slight toasted bitterness to the flavour that is also quite smooth. The honey content seems to add to the body slightly and smooths out the whole experience. Molasses doesn’t really make itself known in a traditional way but adds to the richness of the coffee and chocolate sweetness,
Alcohol – 5.8%
IBU – 16
Size – 650mL