Parallel 49 Brewery – Craft Lager

- Brewery: Parallel 49 Brewing Co.
- Beer Style: Lager
- Pros:
An easy drinking Lager
- Cons:
A bit off with a slight yeasty-sourness to the flavour
- Conclusion:
An easy drinking lager with a slight sweetness to it
Parallel 49 Brewery – Craft Lager Review
Parallel 49 Brewing’s Craft Lager took BC by storm with its widespread distribution through private and government liquor stores then took home the gold medal for Lagers at the 2016 Canadian Brewing Awards. This beer, from a 355ml can pours as a golden-straw colour and is topped with one finger of fairly quickly settling head. The aroma is very light with a slight malt character coming through and a touch of sweetness to it. The aroma is very light when compared to other craft lagers. Tasting the beer it is malt forward and has a slight yeasty-sour tone to it. This is definitely not a sour beer but there is something that is slightly tart in the flavour. The Parallel 49 Craft Lager finishes fairly neutral making it an easy sipper. If you want a beer that is easy to drink, easy to find and quite refreshing – look no further…
Alcohol – 5.0%
Size – 12 x 355ml cans