Mission Springs Brewing Company – God Save the Queen Honey Ale
- Brewery: Mission Springs Brewing Co.
- Beer Style: Honey Ale
Good variety of malt and hop aromas and flavours in what can often be a one-dimensional style
Lacking in some distinct honey flavour; bitterness level may turn off some drinkers
Nicely malty honey ale that doesn’t impart the normal honey sweetness
Mission Springs Brewing Company – God Save the Queen Honey Ale Review
God Save the Queen takes a different approach to the honey ale by keeping the honey sweetness down and letting the malts do much of the buzzing. The beer pours from the bomber bottle a clear ruby brown colour with one finger of fairly dense, lasting head and plenty of lacing. The aroma is of toasted malts, earthy tones, some caramel sweetness and a hint of breadiness. In the mouth the taste is caramel and bready malts, followed up quickly by floral and herbal tones. These flavours move slowly to a bitter and lingering finish. The beer presents a slightly creamy texture with a subtle hint of honey flavour that is not overpowering and doesn’t add the extra sweetness that normally accompanies honey ales.
Alcohol – 5.5%
IBU – 30
Size – 650mL