Four Winds & Le Trou du Diable Exil D’Eden Apple & Oat Table Saison

Four Winds Exil D'Eden Apple Oat Saison Review


3.9 out of 5
3.7 out of 5
4.3 out of 5
4.3 out of 5


4.1 out of 5


  • Brewery: Four Winds Brewing Co.
  • Beer Style: Fruit Beer, Saison
  • Pros:

    A smooth and balanced blend of traditional French Saison with BC grown apple juice.

  • Cons:

    A little bit weird and not traditional by BC craft beer standards. Difficult to open.

  • Conclusion:

    A suprisingly well balanced and unique brew that incorporated BC craft beer and BC produced apple juice

Four Winds Exil D'Eden Apple Oat Saison Review Four Winds & Le Trou du Diable Exil D’Eden Apple & Oat Table Saison Review

The Four Winds Brewing Company has teamed up in a west vs east collaboration with the Le Trou du Diable out of Quebec. Together they brewed an Apple & Oat Table Saison that is packaged in a unique, 500ml, champagne corked bottle. Popping this bottle open (rather difficultly) it pours into the glass as a colour of straw with two and a half fingers of head that settles quick quickly leaving light lacing behind on the glass. An aroma of a traditional french Saison comes through on the nose with hints of fresh green apple. Despite the fact that this beer is a blend of apple juice and beer, the apple tones are subtle and meld well with the Saison tones. Tasting the Exil D’Eden the apple flavour comes through in a much bigger way. The Saison still takes charge with a champagne-like, bubbly sensation on the tongue, light wheat tones, french yeast flavour and a big of extra body from the oat character. At the same time, the apple juice ads a slight tartness to the flavour and mellow sweetness at the same time. The resulting experience from this beer is surprisingly balanced and organic while being simultaneously unique and a little out of left field. If you want to judge it for yourself there is only one task at hand; Pick up a bottle before it is too late and let us know what you think.

Alcohol – 5.0%
IBU – 18
Size – 500ml bottles


Four Winds Exil D'Eden Apple Oat Saison Review Four Winds Exil D'Eden Apple Oat Saison Review

About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of in 2012. To learn more about the editorial team visit

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