Dageraad Brewing Co. – Anno 2015 Belgian Strong Golden Ale

- Brewery: Dageraad Brewing Co.
- Beer Style: Belgian, Golden Ale
- Pros:
A well balanced and smooth pear infusion in a big and delicious brew
- Cons:
A bit overcarbonated and boozy
- Conclusion:
A big flavour belgian beer with a tasty addition of pear and spice
Dageraad Brewing Co. – Anno 2015 Belgian Strong Golden Ale Review
It is year number two for the Dageraad Anno single batch beer. The 2015 brew returns as a “Belgian-style strong golden ale brewed with Keremeos pears and Indian coriander”. This big, 8.5% alcohol beer pours as a cloudy golden colour topped with 4 fingers of erupting, very loosely packed head. From the Anno 2015 comes notes of apple, pear and light citrus along side a coriander-spice wheat tone that is light but still somehow strong. The flavour packs a punch of pear, coriander, and booze. The sweetness of pear balances the alcohol tones while the wheat and coriander give a lightness to the body. This beer is surprisingly pleasant given the usual sweetness of pear. The sweetness is not overbearing and adds great compliment to the spice and warming alcohol tones. While it does appear to be slightly over-carbonated the flavour profile of this year’s brew is even better than 2014.
Alcohol – 8.5%
Size – 650ml