Russell Brewing Co. – Timbertrain Coffee Stout

Russell Brewery Timbertrain Coffee Stout Review


4.1 out of 5
4 out of 5
4.3 out of 5
4 out of 5


4.1 out of 5


  • Brewery: Russell Brewing Co.
  • Beer Style: Coffee, Stout
  • Pros:

    Delicious Cold-pressed coffee infused stout

  • Cons:

    Doesn't leave a lot of room for flavour outside of coffee

  • Conclusion:

    A delicious cold-pressed coffee brew that highlights the balanced flavour of well brewed coffee

Russell Brewery Timbertrain Coffee Stout Review Russell Brewing Co. – Timbertrain Coffee Stout Review

Surrey’s Russell Brewing Company has paired up with the Timbertrain Coffee Company out of Gastown to concoct the Timbertrain Coffee Stout. This Strong Stout was brewed with locally roasted beans cold pressed to make a breakfast-inspired craft beer. From the bomber bottle the Timbertrain Coffee Stout pours a deep and dark, nearly black colour with close to two fingers of head which settle slowly leaving a light trace of lacing on the glass behind. Smelling the beer it gives off deep and complex aromas of espresso and nicely roasted malt tones. The body is relatively light for the 6.5% alcohol with a big coffee flavour that comes through. This is a very interesting beer with the coffee tones as typically the biggest flavour that comes with coffee is an intense bitterness and often a slightly burnt flavour. Here the cold pressed coffee gives an aromatic and extremely delicious true coffee flavour. The taste is true to what coffee should be and through the cold press process that trueness is brought in the form of a delicious and extremely well crafted coffee stout. As far as coffee-infused beers go, this is one of BC’s finest.

Alcohol – 6.5%
IBU – 50
Size – 650ml

Russell Brewery Timbertrain Coffee Stout ReviewRussell Brewery Timbertrain Coffee Stout Review

Tags: coffee, russell, stout

About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of in 2012. To learn more about the editorial team visit


  1. Mike
    Mike 23 January, 2016, 10:30

    That sounds down right delightful. Would be a great way to start a morning camping….. I mean a good pick me up in the afternoon haha.

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