Steel & Oak Brewing Co. – Beechwood Smoked Doppelbock

Steel & Oak Smoked Doppelbock Review


4.3 out of 5
4.1 out of 5
4 out of 5
4.2 out of 5


4.2 out of 5


  • Brewery: Steel & Oak Brewing Co.
  • Beer Style: Doppelbock, Smoked
  • Pros:

    A delicious smokiness that does not mask the more traditional Doppelbock flavours

  • Cons:

    Quite strong and a touch boozy

  • Conclusion:

    A big and strong beer with a very well balanced smokiness.

Steel & Oak Smoked Doppelbock Review Steel & Oak Brewing Co. – Beechwood Smoked Honey Doppelbock Review

Steel & Oak Brewery has made a name for themselves with smoked beers since first launching their Smoked Hefeweizen. As a limited release brew they have brewed up a Beechwood Smoked Honey Dopelbock. This beer is strong at 7.9% and comes in at 20 IBUs. Pouring from the bomber bottle this seasonal release German Strong-Lager pours as a light amber colour with two fingers of densely packed head. A lightly smoked aroma comes through along with a lightly sweet, German style malt and hop tone. Steel & Oak has yet again done a fantastic job balancing the overpowering aroma of smoke with traditional notes that you would expect from a Doppelbock. The body is big with a smooth, and thick texture. The high alcohol content is apparent but not in a boozy way. The smooth texture leads into a nice, mellow smoke tone that slightly masks the German malt and hop tones. This is clearly a Doppelbock but has quite a bit more to it than that. The strength of alcohol along with the smoke tones elevate this beer into a category of its own in style and unique deliciousness.


Alcohol – 7.9%
Size – 650ml
IBU – 20

Steel & Oak Smoked Doppelbock Review Steel & Oak Smoked Doppelbock Review

About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of in 2012. To learn more about the editorial team visit

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