Category 12 Brewing, Induction Dubbel

- Brewery: Category 12 Brewing Co.
- Beer Style: Belgian Dubbel
- Pros:
A smooth and delicious Belgian Dubbel with subtle dried fruit tones
- Cons:
The fruit notes are more subdued than similarly styled beers
- Conclusion:
A reasonably mellow, and rather tasty Belgian Dubbel.
Category 12 Brewing, Induction Dubbel Review
The Induction Dubbel is a winter, seasonal offering from Category 12 Brewing. This big, Belgian style beer is brewed with dark candi-syrup made in-house at the Victoria (Saanich) based brewery. From the bomber bottle this seasonal beer pours as a dark, reddish-chestnut colour topped with two, thick fingers of heavily lacing head. An aroma of dark dried fruit, caramel sweetness and a rich brown sugar note. The beer has a big and creamy body with a a very smooth texture. The flavour is big on brown sugar sweetness with a light prune and raisin tones. On the finish, a light booze taste is joined with the slightest of hop bitterness that lingers next to the complex sweetness of the beer.
Alcohol – 7.5%
IBU – 19
Size – 650ml Bomber Bottle