Hoyne Brewing Co. – Appleton Extra Special Bitter

Hoyne Brewing Co. - Appleton Extra Special Bitter Review


4.1 out of 5
4 out of 5
4.4 out of 5
4.2 out of 5


4.2 out of 5


  • Brewery: Hoyne Brewing Co.
  • Beer Style: Extra Special Bitter
  • Pros:

    A great balance of flavour and sessionability

  • Cons:

    A bigger than typical hop profile

  • Conclusion:

    A flavourful and sessionable ESB that pays tribute to Frank Appleton

Hoyne Brewing Co. – Appleton Extra Special Bitter ReviewHoyne Brewing Co. - Appleton  Extra Special Bitter Review

The Hoyne Brewing Company has paid tribute to Frank Appleton, one of the founders of BC craft beer with the Appleton Extra Special Bitter. This beer says a lot about the brewing past of Sean Hoyne and the impact that Frank Appleton has had on shaping BC craft beer into what it is today. From the bomber bottle the beer pours as a reddish-amber colour and is topped with a finger and a half of lightly lacing head. A light aroma of toasted malt, caramel and english style hops makes for a lights and sessionable yet flavourful smelling brew. The beer has a mid body and a taste that is a great balance of flavour intensity and sessionability. First up comes the toasted malt tones that have a caramel like (mild) sweetness and a lightly, almost burnt tinge to it. This builds into a combination of malt and hop bitterness tones on the finish. The lightly sweet, toasted malt notes linger at the front of the mouth while at the back a bitterness remains long after the beer is gone. The Appleton ESB is a classically styled beer that has a wonderful combination of flavours that are enjoyable in the first sip and light enough to keep on enjoying it throughout the rest of the bottle.


Alcohol – 5.2%
Size – 650ml bottles

Want to know more about Frank Appleton? 



Hoyne Brewing Co. - Appleton  Extra Special Bitter Review

Hoyne Brewing Co. - Appleton  Extra Special Bitter Review

Tags: ESB, hoyne

About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of beermebc.com in 2012. To learn more about the beermebc.com editorial team visit beermebc.com/the-beer-me-bc-team/.

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