Main Street Brewing Co. – Harvest Fresh Rye IPA

Main Street Brewing Harvest Fresh Rye IPA Review


3.8 out of 5
3.9 out of 5
4.2 out of 5
4.1 out of 5


4 out of 5


  • Brewery: Main Street Brewing Co.
  • Beer Style: Fresh Hop, India Pale Ale
  • Pros:

    A great example of fresh centennial hop flavour

  • Cons:

    Very light for an IPA by BC standards

  • Conclusion:

    A light IPA that highlights fresh hop flavour to a tee.

Main Street Brewing Harvest Fresh Rye IPA Review Main Street Brewing Co. – Harvest Fresh Rye IPA Review

Main Street Brewing has hopped into the fresh game with the Harvest Fresh Rye IPA using the freshest Centennial hops they could get their hands on. From the bomber bottle this beer pours as a relatively light, golden-straw colour and is topped with a single finger of lacing head. The aroma is big with citrus notes and a touch of garlic and dill. The centennial hops take a big push on the nose with its unique and oddly delicious concoction of aromas. The flavour is big with fresh hop tones starting off with a resinous grassy note that leads into a lightly bitter, rye-spiced centre. At only 40IBUs this beer is more of a Pale Ale by BC standards but the light hop bitterness allows the true flavours of the Centennial Hops to shine. The fresh tones lead into the citrus, and garlic-like flavour that give the Centennial hop its reputation. The Rye tones give an additional layer of depth and spice to the beer that works well with the fresh hop flavours. While this beer may be one of the lighter IPAs available it is also a fantastic way to showcase the fresh hop tones. Without too much bitterness or even strong malt flavours it is all about the fresh hop with the Harvest Fresh Rye IPA.

Alcohol – 6.5%
IBU – 40
Size – 650ml


Main Street Brewing Harvest Fresh Rye IPA Review Main Street Brewing Harvest Fresh Rye IPA Review

About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of in 2012. To learn more about the editorial team visit


  1. West Coast Beer Geek
    West Coast Beer Geek 8 November, 2015, 23:54

    I drained poured mine, tasted like mushrooms, dirty mushrooms. Sadly I get the from this years Centennial hops, most of which were heat stressed I think. I’m very sensitive to this flavour.

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