Canoe Brewpub – Dark Ale

- Brewery: Canoe Brewpub
- Beer Style: Dark Ale
- Pros:
Big body, smooth flavour and a deliciously balanced beer
- Cons:
A tad bitter for the IBU rating
- Conclusion:
A smooth and chocolaty dark ale with a great balance
Canoe Brewpub – Dark Ale Review
The Canoe Brewpub is a staple of the Victoria craft beer landscape and has made quite the impact on BC beer since opening. Their bottled product doesn’t make it far from the brewery but if you find yourself in Victoria, stopping by can result in a few bombers to come home with you. One of their bottled beers is a Dark Ale that is labelled with a beaver’s profile. You may recognize the label as it used to be found on the “Beaver Brown Ale” only a few years ago. From the bottle this beer pours a deep mahogany colour that is rich and dark being nearly black. Topped with tho finger’s worth of head an aroma of rich coffee and chocolate along with a big and malty tone hits the nose. Being a “Dark Ale”, the classification is rough but it is likely somewhere between a brown ale and a porter. The head settles slowly leaving a very thick lacing on the glass which leads to the first taste. The malt characteristics comes through strong with a big body and big flavour. The malt notes lead into a bitter-sweet chocolate flavour and light coffee-like infusion. The bitterness from the chocolate is bigger than the 20 IBUs may suggest but the balance of a big body, nice malt characteristic and chocolate tones make for a very balanced, and delicious “Dark Ale”. The Canoe Brewpub may not have beer that is easy to find, but it is well worth seeking out!
Alcohol – 5.5%
IBU – 20
Size – 650ml bottles