Powell Street Brewery – 2015 Fresh Hop IPA
- Brewery: Powell Street Brewing Co.
- Beer Style: Fresh Hop, India Pale Ale
Extremely powerful fresh hop flavour
The fresh hop flavours do not leave any room for the rest of the beer
An intense and over-the-top fresh hop IPA
Powell Street Brewery – 2015 Fresh Hop IPA Review
Fresh hop flavour is back for 2015 from Powell Street Brewery. The 2015 Fresh Hop IPA was brewed using Cascade, Centennial and Chinook fresh hops for a bit, intense and fresh-hop-rich IPA flavour. From the bomber bottle this beer pours as a clear, golden colour with a pristine head of two full fingers. Settling rather slowly the head leaves a thick lacing film on the sides of the glass and gives off a very resinous, grassy, fresh hop aroma. The fresh hop tones in this beer are much bigger than typical for an explosion of freshness. The beer has a big body to match the hop aroma and strong 7.0% alcohol. The big body stunts the beginning of the flavour but soon after that first taste the fresh hop tones build to an incredible intensity. The flavour here is all fresh hop with a pitch like sap tone that takes charge of your palate and will not let go. the bitterness is quite intense along side a citrus-pine flavour that lingers long afterwards. The Powell Street 2015 Fresh Hop IPA has one of the biggest fresh hop profiles available and if that is your calling you will likely love this beer.
Alcohol – 7.0%
Hops – Cascade, Centennial & Chinook
Size – 650ml