Postmark Brewing Co. – Fresh Hop Pale Ale

- Brewery: Postmark Brewing Co.
- Beer Style: Fresh Hop, Pale Ale
- Pros:
Light and sessionable fresh hop flavour
- Cons:
Fairly mild fresh hop flavours
- Conclusion:
A light and quaffable twist on fresh hop beers.
Postmark Brewing Co. – Fresh Hop Pale Ale Review
The freshest beer to come from the Postmark Brewing Company has to be their Fresh Hop Pale Ale. Brewed with Chinook Hops that were grown in BC’s Fraser Valley this light and sessionable Fresh Hop beer is a welcome addition to the roster of BC beers available. From the sunset labeled bottle this beer pours as a golden-amber colour and is topped with nearly two fingers of slightly lacing head. An aroma of grassy, resinous and piney hops comes through while a light, smooth and ever-so sweet malty tone lingers around at the same time. Tasting the Postmark Fresh Hop the beer is light on the tongue with a nice balance of fresh hop grassy-pine flavour and traditional, session-styled Pale Ale. A light sweetness and smooth malt profile is paired with the light but significant hop profile.
Alcohol – 4.8%
IBU – 34
Size – 650ml