Steel & Oak Brewing Co. – Dry Hopped ESB

- Brewery: Steel & Oak Brewing Co.
- Beer Style: Extra Special Bitter
- Pros:
A nice balance of English tradition and authentic BC craft beer flavour
- Cons:
Rather hoppy for an ESB, but that is kind of the point
- Conclusion:
A well hopped, but still traditional ESB
Steel & Oak Brewing Co. – Dry Hopped ESB Review
From New Westminster the Steel & Oak Brewing Company has brewed up an ESB and dry hopped it for the tasting pleasure of their many, many fans. From the simply labelled bottle the ESB pours as an amber coloured ale with two fingers of dense and lacing head. The Steel & Oak Extra Special Bitter has a nice aroma balanced with English style hops and a malty, smooth base. The beer is mid bodied and the flavour is also balanced between malt and hop. Slightly hoppier than the traditional English beers this beer is an ESB that tends towards the BC craft beer drinker that is hop crazed while still playing homage to tradition. The Steel & Oak ESB is a great balance between traditional English Ale flavour and the big Northwest Hops that BC craft beer drinkers flock towards.
Alcohol – 4.6%
IBU – 40
Size – 650ml
Price – $7.50 (Craft Beer Retailer)