Fuggles & Warlock Craftworks – The Last Strawberry Witbier
- Brewery: Fuggles & Warlock
- Beer Style: Fruit Beer, Witbier
Light bodied with a distinct strawberry flavour to the Witbier
Rather sweet and quite strawberry-forward
A well balanced blend of traditional Witbier flavour and a kick of Strawberry flavour and sweetness.
Fuggles & Warlock Craftworks – The Last Strawberry Witbier Review
Fuggles & Warlock are busy keeping beer weird with their The Last Strawberry Witbier release. From the bomber bottle this fruit-infused summer beer pours as a cloudy straw colour with a finger and a half of head that settles without a trace. The Last Strawberry smells strong of sweet strawberries, reminiscent of a strawberry sauce that you may put on your Sunday morning pancakes. The sweetness is strong but with it comes a light wheat tone from the Witbier nature of the brew. The beer is light bodied and has a distinct strawberry tone to it with a mellow sweetness. The sweetness that was so strong in the aroma is actually mellower than you may expect. The sessionable and light nature of the Witbier style comes through in spades while a strawberry tone and slight sweetness is there to add a unique and summer twist on the style. Strawberry beer is a little weird and may not be for everyone but Fuggles & Warlock has done a great job of balancing the sweet strawberry flavour with a smooth and sessionable Witbier.
Alcohol – 4.9%
IBU – 8
Size – 650ml bottle
Price – $7.40 (Private Liquor Store)
[…] The Last Strawberry Witbier […]
a 6 pack of this swill arrived at my house during a party. Nobody (man or woman) could finish one. A second sip was almost out of the question. Worst beer (we couldnt acually decide if its beer or strawberry scented ball sweat) of all time. Still got a few in my fridge to prank someone with one day. 4 out of 5 stars??? You should reconsider your career and stop trying to trick people into buying something thats gonna make them puke.
I think you have to like fruit beer. If you are expecting a beer taste then you surely won’t like this.
I really enjoyed this beer, but I also love peach wit beer and raspberry beer.