Old Abbey Ales – Belgian Tripel
- Brewery: Old Abbey Ales
- Beer Style: Belgian Tripel
Nice, well balanced Belgian Tripel
Rather carbonated and not as intense as you may expect
A big bodied, traditional Tripel
Old Abbey Ales – Belgian Tripel Review
Old Abbey Ales is fixated on Belgian Brews and their latest release is a Belgian Tripel. From the Bomber Bottle this big, Belgian brew pours as a golden-amber colour topped with two fingers of loosely packed, relatively quick to settle head. A light lacing is left behind as the head settles. From the beer comes an aroma of Belgian yeast, citrus, candi-sugar and a bit of an alcohol tone. A rich, malt character joins the other flavours in a nicely balanced smelling Tripel. The body is quite big with a very bubbly, tingling sensation on the tongue. The carbonation leads into a malty, lightly sweet flavour that is joined by citrus, spice and a yeasty-alcohol tone. The Old Abbey Tripel may be 9% but it is well balanced and masks the alcohol well in a nice, rather traditional Belgian Tripel.
Alcohol – 9.0%
Size – 650ml
IBU – 30
Price – $8.95 (Craft Beer Retailer)