BC Craft Brewers Guild – Collaboration United Front Braun Beer

- Brewery: Steel & Oak Brewing Co., Vancouver Island Brewery
- Beer Style: Braun Beer, Lager
- Pros:
A traditional German style Braun Beer with great body and flavour
- Cons:
Rather bitter for a Lager
- Conclusion:
A big flavoured German Lager with a hop-kick and light sweetness
BC Craft Brewers Guild – Steel & Oak and Vancouver Island Brewery Collaboration United Front Braun Beer Review
The BC Craft Brewers Guild brought together British Columbia’s two ‘royal cities’ – New Westminster and Victoria to brew the United Front, an unfiltered Braun Beer. Brewed in the Vancouver Island Brewery facility the United Front represents the heritage of BC craft beer with the fresh look that Steel & Oak brings to the brew. From the bomber bottle the United Front pours as a crisp, amber colour topped with two-plus fingers of slow to settle, lacing head. An aroma of malt, German hops, light citrus notes and a touch of honey sweetness make this a rather traditional, German-style lager. Tasting the beer the body is bigger than you may expect but is still light and easy drinking. The flavour is malt forward with an earthiness and almost burnt like tone that hits the back of the tongue. The toasted notes along with a fairly large hop bitterness gives great depth to the beer and a rather unique lager flavour by BC standards. The United Front is a big lager with great flavour and a kick of hops for the hop-crazed BC craft beer drinker. When you bring the legacy of Vancouver Island Brewery together with the fresh , German trained nature of Steel & Oak you are bound to get something great – and this is it!
Alcohol – 5.8%
Size – 650ml
IBU – 35
Price – $6.90 (Craft Beer Retailer)
If you have the chance, go to the Steel and Oak tasting room and have this as a Radler before they run out of this brew! It may seem like a strange combo to mix this with carbonated lemonade, but it tastes just like apple cider!
Hmmm your con makes me almost want to try the beer. I find lagers to have to little flavour so a higher bitterness would be good for me.
Mike. You figured out the con strategy…
Haha thats to good. I will make sure to read the Cons first next time.