Red Truck Beer Co. – Three On The Tree Belgian Tripel
- Brewery: Red Truck Beer Co.
- Beer Style: Belgian Tripel
Nice, big flavour in a strong but very drinkable beer
Not as intense as your typical Tripel
A lighter than expected Belgian Tripel with a great flavour profile
Red Truck Beer Co. – Three On The Tree Belgian Tripel Review
The Three On The Tree is the newest limited release beer from the Red Truck Beer Company. As a Belgian Tripel this big, 9.5% beer pours from the bottle as a clear, golden colour topped with two fingers of relatively quick to settle head. A light film of lacing is left behind on the glass’s sides. A Belgian yeast, candi-sugar, clove, chamomile and spice aroma comes from the beer’s head as a complex, lightly boozy and subtly sweet Tripel. The body is thick and creamy with a carbonated booziness that hits the tongue. A light banana flavour joins the clove and belgian yeast tones, spice and lemon-citrus notes in a smooth and relatively easy to drink Tripel. The beer is big and the flavour strong but overall, still lands as a drinkable and very nice flavoured Belgian beer.
Alcohol – 9.5%
Size – 650ml
IBU – 23
Hops – Sterling and Cascade
Price – $7.50 (Cold Beer and Wine)
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