Old Abbey Ales – Belgian Quad
- Brewery: Old Abbey Ales
- Beer Style: Belgian Quad
A traditional and strong Belgian Quad
Rather intense and boozy
A strong and big bodied Belgian Quad with strong dark fruit tones.
Old Abbey Ales – Belgian Quad Review
Big Belgian beers area theme from the new, Old Abbey Ales Brewery. One of their initial release beers is a Belgian Quad as a part of their Brewmaster’s Selection series of beers. Marked as “Dark, strong and surprisingly smooth this Belgian style Quad features a rich malty palette with notes of cherry and fig.”
From the bomber botte this Quadrupel Belgian beer pours as a deep, reddish-brown hue topped with two thick finders of dense and heavily lacing head. As the crest of off-white head very slowly settles a rather boozy aroma of dark fruit, Belgian Yeast and fig light sweetness hit the nose. A deep, dark and complex Belgian aroma is true to the Quad style. On the palate this beer is smooth and creamy with a booziness to it. A strong alcohol kick adds to the dark, dried fruit tones that give a rich and complex sweetness to a classic, and strong Belgian styled beer. The Old Abbey Ales Belgian Quad is spot on the style and offers a rich and complex Belgian-inspired beer that you can enjoy without leaving the confines of your British Columbia home.
Alcohol – 10.1%
Size – 650ml
IBU – 27
Price – $8.95 (Craft Beer Retailer)