R&B Brewing Co. – Chef Series Burnt Citrus Fruit Ale

- Beer Style: Extra Special Bitter, Fruit Beer
- Pros:
A light, burnt-orange infused Extra Special Bitter
- Cons:
Not as strongly infused with Burnt Citrus Fruit as you may expect
- Conclusion:
A delicious and subtly twist on the ESB with nice, burnt orange tones.
R&B Brewing Co. – Chef Series Burnt Citrus Fruit Ale
For this brewer and chef collaboration R&B brewing paired up with Campagnolo’s head chef Robert Belcham. Coming up with a Burnt Citrus Fruit Ale this beer is a Pork Bone Charcoal Filtered Black ESB. The mouth begins to salivate simply by reading the name. This beer pours from the simple and elegantly labelled bottle as a slightly cloudy, deep-amber colour. Topped with two fingers of dense and lacing head the Burnt Citrus Fruit Ale smells of just that. A toasty-carmelized orange peel scent joins a distinct hop bitterness for a tangy, bitter sweetness that is very intriguing. The flavour is closer to a traditional ESB than you may expect. A nice hop bitterness and malty characteristic is up front shile the lightly burnt, orange peel flavour builds with a citrus bite. You are likely expecting more flavour from this beer but it is a delicious balance of chef-flavour infusion and brewing tradition.
Alcohol – 5.0%
Size – 650ml
Price – $6.50 (Craft Retailer)