Arrowhead Brewing Co. – Coffee Porter
- Brewery: Arrowhead Brewing Co.
- Beer Style: Porter
- Pros:
Very nice balance of coffee and chocolate flavours
- Cons:
Light bodied given the style and alcohol content
- Conclusion:
A delicious coffee porter that is light and features enjoyable chocolate tones.
Arrowhead Brewing Co. – Coffee Porter Review
Teaming up with Kicking Horse Coffee Invermere’s Arrowhead Brewing Company has brewed a big coffee porter which weighs in at a formidable 8% alcohol. This beer is available at the brewery and as a seasonal offering comes in the standard issue, Arrowhead labeled bottle. Pouring this beer it appears very dark with a stout-like appearance. A very thin finger’s worth of head crests the top of the glass and leaves light lacing on the sides. From the beer comes a smooth and creamy coffee and chocolate aroma. The creaminess is reminiscent of the lactose from a Milk Stout style beer. The coffee and chocolate flavours are not overly sweet but also not overly bitter. The balance is very nice on the nose. Tasting the beer, the body is lighter than expected given the 8% alcohol rating and has a certain drink-ability to it. A big chocolate body along with nice bittersweet coffee tones make for a surprisingly sessionable yet very flavourful brew. The Arrowhead Coffee porter is a fantastic example of what you can do with coffee and chocolate in a beer without going too far and ending up in the deep end.
Alcohol – 8.0%
Size –650ml bottle
Price – $6.50 (Arrowhead Brewery)
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