Scandal Brewing Co. – Envy Triple IPA

Scandal Brewing - Envy Triple IPA Review


2.5 out of 5
3.4 out of 5
2 out of 5
3 out of 5


2.7 out of 5


  • Brewery: Scandal Brewing Co.
  • Beer Style: Triple IPA
  • Pros:

    An apple juice like, bigger bodied beer

  • Cons:

    Not a Triple IPA

  • Conclusion:

    A high alcohol beer that does not resemble its style.

Scandal Brewing - Envy Triple IPA Review Scandal Brewing Co. – Envy Triple IPA Review

The second beer to be released in Scandal Brewing’s 7 Deadly Sins lineup is the Envy, a Triple IPA. This beer pours from the resealable bottle as a very light, golden-straw colour with a finger of loosely packed head. The Envy smells light, and un-IPA-like. There is not really anything that screams triple ipa on the nose but rather ssomething of a blonde ale or even a strong lager. The taste is crisp and light with a bit of a creamy body to it.  The Alcohol content is apparent through the beer’s texture but not really its flavour. With a low IBU, no northwest flavour and lacking any real hop flavours, this beer isn’t really to style. An almost apple juice flavour is apparent in a slightly sweet manner which is interesting but not at all expected given the beers name and style. This beer does not really hit the mark and while the first beer in this series was rather nice the Envy is not quite there.


Alcohol – 8.0%
Size – 750ml
Price – 7.99 (Craft Retailer)


Scandal Brewing - Envy Triple IPA Review Scandal Brewing - Envy Triple IPA Review

Tags: ipa, scandal

About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of in 2012. To learn more about the editorial team visit

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