Scandal Brewing Co. – Gluttony Pumpkin Bock

Scandal Brewing Co. 7 Deadly Sins Gluttony Pumpkin Bock Review


3.7 out of 5
3 out of 5
3.4 out of 5
3.2 out of 5


3.3 out of 5


  • Brewery: Scandal Brewing Co.
  • Beer Style: Pumpkin Ale
  • Pros:

    Nice clove and ginger spice

  • Cons:

    Not the best finishing flavour

  • Conclusion:

    The best beer to come from Scandal to date.

Scandal Brewing Co. 7 Deadly Sins Gluttony Pumpkin Bock Review Scandal Brewing Co. – Gluttony Pumpkin Bock Review


The first beer to be released in Scandal Brewing’s new 7 Deadly Sins line of brews is the Gluttony Pumpkin Bock. This big, 8% beer comes in a comparatively large, 750ml bottle with a resealable top. The beer pours as a golden-amber colour topped with a thin finger of quickly dispersing head. The Gluttony smells strongly of ginger and pumpkin spice in a unique and rather spicy manner. The Pumpkin tones seem subdued but the ginger spice kicks it up a notch or two. The flavour has a defined pumpkin spice with a big clove spice and a ginger back. Nutmeg tones also come into play making for a spicy, but not way over the top beer. As the flavour settles a mellow aftertaste with a slightly generic finish ends the ordeal. The finally is not the best part of this beer but that is just a good excuse to never put your glass down. Scandal Brewing has upped their game with the release of their 7 Deadly Sins line of beers. The Gluttony tops each of the beers in the past 7 Wonders line and the next 6 beers will definitely be worth watching for.

Alcohol – 8.0%
Size – 750ml
Price – 7.99 (Craft Retailer)


Scandal Brewing Co. 7 Deadly Sins Gluttony Pumpkin Bock Review Scandal Brewing Co. 7 Deadly Sins Gluttony Pumpkin Bock Review

About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of in 2012. To learn more about the editorial team visit


  1. ThrowB
    ThrowB 29 October, 2014, 16:04

    This is actually the second beer released in the series. Envy – Triple IPA was released in early September!

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