Firehall Brewery – Backdraft Blonde Ale

- Brewery: Firehall Brewery
- Beer Style: Blonde Ale
- Pros:
Light blonde ale
- Cons:
Not all that unique
- Conclusion:
Nice and easy Blonde Ale
Firehall Brewery – Backdraft Blonde Ale Review
Oliver BC’s Firehall Brewery has a line of beer all named in a fire-fighting inspired manner. With this consistency comes the Backdraft Blonde Ale which appears in the glass a golden colour topped with a single finger of quickly dispersing head. As the head settles the glass is left clean of any lacing. The aroma is light with biscuit notes and a light, malty sweetness. The flavour is also quite light with a soft feel on the tongue and a lightly sweetened biscuit flavour on the tongue. This beer will not bend the boundaries of flavour for you but it will make for a light summer flavour from the heart of the Okanagan and BC’s wine country.
Alcohol – 4.8%
Size – 650ml
Price – $7.20 (Okanagan Liquor Store)