Surlie Brewing – Solitaire Belgian Dark Ale

- Brewery: Surlie Brewing Co.
- Beer Style: Belgian, Dark Ale
- Pros:
Nice Dark Fruit Flavours
- Cons:
Undercarbonated, Slightly Thin
- Conclusion:
Nice flavour in a dark and enjoyable package.
The Solitaire is the first beer to be released from the Abbotsford based Surlie Brewing. This beer comes in a simply labeled bomber bottle featuring a playing card ‘solitary’ ace. The beer comes from the bottle with a dark and cloudy brown colour topped with less than a finger of head. The lack of head off the bat insinuates that there may be some under-carbonation at play. The aroma is dark with toasted malts, caramel and some serious dark fruit tones. Given that Surlie Brewing uses a direct fire brew kettle the caramel tones are expected to be even stronger on the tongue. The mouth-feel is, as expected quite low in carbonation. The flavour though is big with a balance of big malts, caramel sweetness and dark dried fruit tones. Flavours of prune come through with a slight earthy spice along its side. This is not your typical BC brew being heavy on the malts and quite dark but it is a great tasting Belgian style dark beer and is surely a sign of more great things to come from the Surlie Brewing Company.
Alcohol – 6.5%
Size – 650ml
Price – $6.50 (Private Liquor Store) (not on website)