Deep Cove Brewers & Distillers – Trapper John’s Lager

Deep Cove Brewers - Trapper John Lager Review


3.8 out of 5
4 out of 5
4.3 out of 5
4 out of 5


4 out of 5


  • Brewery: Deep Cove Brewers & Distillers
  • Beer Style: Lager
  • Pros:

    Light and sessionable BC lager

  • Cons:

    Quite light by BC standards

  • Conclusion:

    Easy drinking lager for the hot days of summer (or any other time)

Deep Cove Brewers - Trapper John Lager ReviewDeep Cove Brewers & Distillers – Trapper John’s Lager Review

Deep Cove Brewers & Distillers teamed up with Seymour Mountain Resort to brew up the Trapper John’s Lager. Trapper John is a legend in the North Vancouver neck of the woods and this beer is a tribute to that mad. In contrast to the West Coast Lager this beer was thought up in a traditional lager style bringing a crisp, light and sessionable beer to you for enjoying after a day on the slopes. Pouring a light, golden-straw colour this glass like beer is topped with two fingers of tightly packed head which settles quickly and with little trace. The smell is light with a crisp malt, light citrus notes and smells like this bottle may be followed by another one. The flavour too is light, fresh, slightly sweet and extremely refreshing. The body is slightly more full than you may expect but this adds an additional layer of complexity to a traditional and light lager. The easy drinking malts and citrus tones meld together with a seemingly slippery texture on the tongue. Little in the way of hops comes into play but this beer doesn’t need them. For a sessionable lager this is a great beer for after a day on the slopes, a day on the beach or pretty much anything else!


Alcohol – 5%
Size – 650ml bottles
Price – $4.80 (Deep Cove Brewers & Distillers)
Released February 2013 (not on website)

Deep Cove Brewers - Trapper John Lager Review
Deep Cove Brewers - Trapper John Lager Review

About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of in 2012. To learn more about the editorial team visit


  1. mikescraftbeer
    mikescraftbeer 13 March, 2014, 08:48

    Is the beer 5% or 7% lol. The review is confused or Drunk.

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  2. Vancouver Craft Beer Week Kicks Off With Awards Gala | Beer Me British Columbia 30 May, 2015, 11:15

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