Persephone Brewing Co. – Scottish Ale

- Brewery: Persephone Brewing Co.
- Beer Style: Scotch Ale
- Pros:
Light and easy drinking Scotch Ale
- Cons:
Rather thin in texture
- Conclusion:
A light and easy drinking Scotch Ale from Gibsons, British Columbia.
Persephone Brewing Co. – Scottish Ale Review
In Persephone Brewing‘s first bottle run in addition to the Double IPA comes the Scottish Ale, A light ale that pours a deep copper brown colour topped with one finger of fine and creamy head. This head disperses fairly slowly with no signs of lacing on the glass. The scent coming off this Scottish Ale is of caramel sweetness and a slight oakyness in a fairly crisp and light smelling package. The texture is light and slightly water-like with a crisp and light start to the flavour. This lightness remains through the taste but a toasted malt builds along side a light hop bitterness and a slight sweetness. These three tones build side by side up to the finish where a toasted, lightly hopped finally is left on the palate in a light, crisp and easy-drinking package. This ale is very light and quite mild but does have a bigger than expected finish. There is something unique in this Scottish Ale to come from Gibsons BC’s Persephone Brewing Company.
Alcohol – 4%
Size – 650ml Bottles
Price – $7.50 (Persephone Brewery) (website under construction)
I can not wait for these bottles to hit the stores. This is a very exciting new brewery.