Granville Island Brewing Co. – Auld Skool Scottish Ale


4.2 out of 5
4 out of 5
4.1 out of 5
4.1 out of 5


4.1 out of 5


  • Brewery: Granville Island Brewing Co.
  • Beer Style: Scotch Ale
  • Pros:

    Traditional and delicious beer

  • Cons:

    Will disappear very quickly

  • Conclusion:

    Delicious and traditional beer from Granville Island


Granville Island Brewing Co. – Auld Skool Scottish Ale Review

Just in time for Robby Burns day comes the Auld Skool from the Granville Island Black Note Book series. According to the label of this craft beer it is filled with ‘heaps o’ roasted malts and a wee bit of hots. Pure dead brilliant!’

Pouring this Scottish Ale it enters the glass as a chestnut brown colour topped with a finger and a half of thick and fluffy head. This relatively thin head leaves a slight lacing on the glass as it settles The aroma consists of big malts, caramel and a slight hop to balance the ensemble leading up to the first taste. The Auld School is a traditional style scotch ale with a big, malted body. The light texture with complex flavours makes for a delicate but robust flavour profile the toasted malts, light caramel sweetness, light spice and a touch of fruit before the slightest of hops making for a deliciously crafted ale. The flavour combinations here may not sound unique or even overly intriguing but the traditional style of a Scottish Ale is crafted to perfection. Another delicious concoction from Granville Island brewmaster Vern Lambourne’s Little Black Book.

Alcohol – 6.25%
Size – 650ml Bottles
IBU – 20
Price – $6.65 (Private Liquor Store)


About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of in 2012. To learn more about the editorial team visit


  1. mikescraftbeer
    mikescraftbeer 26 January, 2014, 22:25

    I enjoyed this beer. Nice mix of flavour to be sure.

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