Bridge Brewing Company – North Shore Pale Ale

- Brewery: Bridge Brewing Co.
- Beer Style: Pale Ale
- Pros:
Great, sessional West Coast Pale Ale
- Cons:
Relatively typical for a hop-forward Pale Ale
- Conclusion:
Fantastic example of a British Columbia Pale Ale.
Bridge Brewing Company – North Shore Pale Ale Review
It is no wonder the the Bridge Brewing Company has upped their Nano-Brewery status to micro given the quality beer that has been coming out of this small North Vancouver brewery. Their staple beer is the North Shore Pale ale which pours an amber-copper colour topped with one finger of lacing head. The beer smells of caramel, light citrus and northwest-piney hops. The flavour is lightly carbonated and big with toasted malts and northwest-style hops. A caramel sweetness builds with the piney hop bitterness making for a distinct northwest pale ale flavour that is everything BC. This is a great tasting pale ale that will undoubtedly become easier and easier to find with the Bridge Brewing Company’s expansion. If you have not tried the North Shore Pale Ale, it is time to pick up a bottle, or better yet head to the North Shore and stop in at the brewery to say hello!
Alcohol – 5.5%
IBU – 30
Size – 650ml
Price – $6.50 (Craft Retailer)
I love all of the brews coming from Bridge Brewing. Great flavour all around